Friday, 17 April 2015

What are the different types of Element locators?

The different types of locator are:
  •  ID
  •  Name
  •  Link Text
  •  CSS Selector
  •   Tag and ID
  •   Tag and class
  •   Tag and attribute
  •  Tag, class, and attribute
  •  Inner text
  •   DOM (Document Object Model)
  •   getElementById
  •   getElementsByName
  •   dom:name
  •   dom:index
  •  XPath

There are commands that do not need a locator (such as the "open" command). However, most of them do need Locators.
The choice of locator depends largely on your Application Under Test. In this tutorial we will toggle between facebook , newtours.demoaut on basis of locators that these applications support. Likewise in your testing project you will select any of the above listed locators based on your application support.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Which is the best way to locate an element?

Finding elements by ID is usually going to be the fastest option, because at its root, it eventually calls down to document.getElementById(), which is optimized by many browsers.

Finding elements by XPath is useful for finding elements using very complex selectors, and is the most flexible selection strategy, but it has the potential to be very slow, particularly in IE. In IE 6, 7, or 8, finding by XPath can be an order of magnitude slower than doing the same in Firefox. IE provides no native XPath-over-HTML solution, so the project must use a JavaScript XPath implementation, and the JavaScript engine in legacy versions of IE really is that much slower.

If you have a need to find an element using a complex selector, I usually recommend using CSS Selectors, if possible. It's not quite as flexible as XPath, but will cover many of the same cases, without exhibiting the extreme performance penalty on IE that XPath can.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

What is Watir? and What is Watir-Webdriver?

Watir: (Web Application Testing iRuby, pronounced water), is an open-source (BSD) family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers. It drives Internet ExplorerFirefoxChromeOpera and Safari, and is available as a RubyGems gem. Watir was primarily developed by Bret Pettichord and Paul Rogers.

Watir-webdriver is a modern version of the Watir API based on Selenium. Selenium 2.0 (selenium-webdriver) aims to be the reference implementation of the WebDriver specification. In Ruby, Jari Bakken has implemented the Watir API as a wrapper around the Selenium 2.0 API. Not only is Watir-webdriver derived from Selenium 2.0, it is also built from the HTML specification, so Watir-webdriver should always be compatible with existing W3C specifications.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

How to configure Selenium Grid?

Selenium grid for selenium1 and webdriver


Grid allows you to :
  • scale by distributing tests on several machines ( parallel execution )
  • manage multiple environments from a central point, making it easy to run the tests against a vast combination of browsers / OS.
  • minimize the maintenance time for the grid by allowing you to implement custom hooks to leverage virtual infrastructure for instance.

Quick Start

This example will show you how to start the Selenium 2 Hub, and register both a WebDriver node and a Selenium 1 RC legacy node. We’ll also show you how to call the grid from Java. The hub and nodes are shown here running on the same machine, but of course you can copy the selenium-server-standalone to multiple machines. Note: The selenium-server-standalone package includes the Hub, WebDriver, and legacy RC needed to run the grid. Ant is not required anymore. You can download the selenium-server-standalone-*.jar from This walk-through assumes you already have Java installed.
Step 1: Start the hub
The Hub is the central point that will receive all the test request and distribute them the the right nodes.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you copied the selenium-server-standalone file. Type the following command:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role hub
The hub will automatically start-up using port 4444 by default. To change the default port, you can add the optional parameter -port when you run the command. You can view the status of the hub by opening a browser window and navigating to: http://localhost:4444/grid/console
Step 2: Start the nodes
Regardless on whether you want to run a grid with new WebDriver functionality, or a grid with Selenium 1 RC functionality, or both at the same time, you use the same selenium-server-standalone jar file to start the nodes.
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role node  -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
Note: The port defaults to 5555 if not specified whenever the "-role" option is provided and is not hub.
For backwards compatibility "wd" and "rc" roles are still a valid subset of the "node" role. But those roles limit the types of remote connections to their corresponding API, while "node" allows both RC and WebDriver remote connections.

Using grid to run tests

( using java as an example ) Now that the grid is in-place, we need to access the grid from our test cases. For the Selenium 1 RC nodes, you can continue to use the DefaultSelenium object and pass in the hub information:
Selenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium(“localhost”, 4444, “*firefox”, “”);
For WebDriver nodes, you will need to use the RemoteWebDriver and theDesiredCapabilities object to define which browser, version and platform you wish to use. Create the target browser capabilities you want to run the tests against:
DesiredCapabilities capability = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();
Pass that into the RemoteWebDriver object:
WebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), capability);
The hub will then assign the test to a matching node.
A node matches if all the requested capabilities are met. To request specific capabilities on the grid, specify them before passing it into the WebDriver object.
Example: A node registered with the setting:
 -browser  browserName=firefox,version=3.6,platform=LINUX
will be a match for:
capability.setBrowserName(“firefox” ); 
and would also be a match for
capability.setBrowserName(“firefox” ); 
The capabilities that are not specified will be ignored. If you specify capabilities that do not exist on your grid (for example, your test specifies Firefox version 4.0, but have no Firefox 4 instance) then there will be no match and the test will fail to run.

Configuring the nodes

The node can be configured in 2 different ways; one is by specifying command line parameters, the other is by specifying a json file.

Configuring the nodes by command line

By default, this starts 11 browsers : 5 Firefox, 5 Chrome, 1 Internet Explorer. The maximum number of concurrent tests is set to 5 by default. To change this and other browser settings, you can pass in parameters to each -browser switch (each switch represents a node based on your parameters). If you use the -browser parameter, the default browsers will be ignored and only what you specify command line will be used.
-browser browserName=firefox,version=3.6,maxInstances=5,platform=LINUX
This setting starts 5 Firefox 3.6 nodes on a linux machine.
If your remote machine has multiple versions of Firefox you’d like to use, you can map the location of each binary to a particular version on the same machine:
-browser browserName=firefox,version=3.6,firefox_binary=/home/myhomedir/firefox36/firefox,maxInstances=3,platform=LINUX -browser browserName=firefox,version=4,firefox_binary=/home/myhomedir/firefox4/firefox,maxInstances=4,platform=LINUX
Tip: If you need to provide a space somewhere in your browser parameters, then surround the parameters with quotation marks:
-browser “browserName=firefox,version=3.6,firefox_binary=c:\Program Files\firefox ,maxInstances=3, platform=WINDOWS”

Optional parameters

  • -port 4444 (4444 is default)
  • -timeout 30 (300 is default) The timeout in seconds before the hub automatically releases a node that hasn't received any requests for more than the specified number of seconds. After this time, the node will be released for another test in the queue. This helps to clear client crashes without manual intervention. To remove the timeout completely, specify -timeout 0 and the hub will never release the node.
Note: This is NOT the WebDriver timeout for all ”wait for WebElement” type of commands.
  • -maxSession 5 (5 is default) The maximum number of browsers that can run in parallel on the node. This is different from the maxInstance of supported browsers (Example: For a node that supports Firefox 3.6, Firefox 4.0  and Internet Explorer 8, maxSession=1 will ensure that you never have more than 1 browser running. With maxSession=2 you can have 2 Firefox tests at the same time, or 1 Internet Explorer and 1 Firefox test).
  • -browser < params > If -browser is not set, a node will start with 5 firefox, 1 chrome, and 1 internet explorer instance (assuming it’s on a windows box). This parameter can be set multiple times on the same line to define multiple types of browsers. Parameters allowed for -browser: browserName={android, chrome, firefox, htmlunit, internet explorer, iphone, opera} version={browser version} firefox_binary={path to executable binary} chrome_binary={path to executable binary} maxInstances={maximum number of browsers of this type} platform={WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC}
  • -registerCycle = how often in ms the node will try to register itself again.Allow to restart the hub without having to restart the nodes.
  • Relly large (>50 node) Hub installations may need to increase the jetty threads by setting -DPOOL_MAX=512 (or larger) on the java command line.

Configuring timeouts (Version 2.21 required)

Timeouts in the grid should normally be handled through webDriver.manage().timeouts(), which will control how the different operations time out.
To preserve run-time integrity of a grid with selenium-servers, there are two other timeout values that can be set.
On the hub, setting the -timeout command line option to "30" seconds will ensure all resources are reclaimed 30 seconds after a client crashes. On the hub you can also set -browserTimeout 60 to make the maximum time a node is willing to hang inside the browser 60 seconds. This will ensure all resources are reclaimed slightly after 60 seconds. All the nodes use these two values from the hub if they are set. Locally set parameters on a single node has precedence, it is generally recommended not to set these timeouts on the node.
The browserTimeout should be:
  • Higher than the socket lock timeout (45 seconds)
  • Generally higher than values used in webDriver.manage().timeouts(), since this mechanism is a "last line of defense".

Configuring the nodes by JSON

java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar -role node -nodeConfig nodeconfig.json

Configuring the hub by JSON

java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar -role hub -hubConfig hubconfig.json

Hub diagnostic messages

Upon detecting anomalious usage patterns, the hub can give the following message:
Client requested session XYZ that was terminated due to REASON
TIMEOUTThe session timed out because the client did not access it within the timeout. If the client has been somehow suspended, this may happen when it wakes up
BROWSER_TIMEOUTThe node timed out the browser because it was hanging for too long (parameter browserTimeout)
ORPHANA client waiting in queue has given up once it was offered a new session
CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSIONThe session was stopped using an ordinary call to stop/quit on the client. Why are you using it again??
CLIENT_GONEThe client process (your code) appears to have died or otherwise not responded to our requests, intermittent network issues may also cause
FORWARDING_TO_NODE_FAILEDThe hub was unable to forward to the node. Out of memory errors/node stability issues or network problems
CREATIONFAILEDThe node failed to create the browser. This can typically happen when there are environmental/configuration problems on the node. Try using the node directly to track problem.
PROXY_REREGISTRATIONThe session has been discarded because the node has re-registered on the grid (in mid-test)

Tips for running with grid

If your tests are running in parallel, make sure that each thread deallocates its webdriver resource independently of any other tests running on other threads. Starting 1 browser per thread at the start of the test-run and deallocating all browsers at the end is not a good idea. (If one test-case decides to consume abnormal amounts of time you may get timeouts on all the other tests because they're waiting for the slow test. This can be very confusing)

Thursday, 9 April 2015

What is Selenium Grid? and when to use it?

Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the same time against different machines running different browsers and operating systems. Essentially, Selenium-Grid support distributed test execution. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.

there’s two reasons why you might want to use Selenium-Grid.
  • To run your tests against multiple browsers, multiple versions of browser, and browsers running on different operating systems.
  • To reduce the time it takes for the test suite to complete a test pass.

Selenium-Grid is used to speed up the execution of a test pass by using multiple machines to run tests in parallel. For example, if you have a suite of 100 tests, but you set up Selenium-Grid to support 4 different machines (VMs or separate physical machines) to run those tests, your test suite will complete in (roughly) one-fourth the time as it would if you ran your tests sequentially on a single machine. For large test suites, and long-running test suite such as those performing large amounts of data-validation, this can be a significant time-saver. Some test suites can take hours to run. Another reason to boost the time spent running the suite is to shorten the turnaround time for test results after developers check-in code for the AUT(Application Under Test). Increasingly software teams practising Agile software development want test feedback as immediately as possible as opposed to wait overnight for an overnight test pass.
Selenium-Grid is also used to support running tests against multiple runtime environments, specifically, against different browsers at the same time. For example, a ‘grid’ of virtual machines can be setup with each supporting a different browser that the application to be tested must support. So, machine 1 has Internet Explorer 8, machine 2, Internet Explorer 9, machine 3 the latest Chrome, and machine 4 the latest Firefox. When the test suite is run, Selenium-Grid receives each test-browser combination and assigns each test to run against its required browser.

In addition, one can have a grid of all the same browser, type and version. For instance, one could have a grid of 4 machines each running 3 instances of Firefox 12, allowing for a ‘server-farm’ (in a sense) of available Firefox instances. When the suite runs, each test is passed to Selenium-Grid which assigns the test to the next available Firefox instance. In this manner one gets test pass where conceivably 12 tests are all running at the same time in parallel, significantly reducing the time required to complete a test pass.
Selenium-Grid is very flexible. These two examples can be combined to allow multiple instances of each browser type and version. A configuration such as this would provide both, parallel execution for fast test pass completion and support for multiple browser types and versions simultaneously.